7" G#-45 Rhodochrosite, Palladium

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Rhodochrosite: For the healing and purification of one's emotional body, the intense energy rooted in Rhodochrosite amplifies and intensifies joy, and the action of loving oneself fully, through the expansion in awareness of one’s inner beauty. In helping us to face our deepest secrets, this alchemy assists in the process of rediscovering the playfulness of our inner child, allowing us to drop the the extra emotional weight that has been holding us down. The energy of self-forgiveness and confidence is embodied in Rhodochrosite, allowing for the activation of positive attributes in our life of habits. As attention moves toward the blockages that we now choose to shift, one can release the suffering connected to past lives, and begin to recall forgotten talents. Anxiety will wane as stress is relieved and the aura is cleansed. Rhodochrosite nurtures one's capacity for tender love, and wholeness energy integrates into the awareness of the subconscious. On the physical level, Rhodochrosite improves eyesight along with pancreas, spleen and kidney function.

Palladium: Represents the inner child, higher dimensional communication, and playfulness. Palladium is a light silvery white metal that was discovered in 1803, and was named after both the Roman Goddess - Pallas Athena, and the newly discovered Pallas asteroid.

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